When Israel left Gaza, and removed every last Jew from there, as demanded by Gazan calls for such racial cleaning, even dead Jews were pulled from their graves there.
Gaza was supposed to turn into the Singapore in the Middle East. Instead Gaza started firing rockets, and the present situation ensued. We can’t have the same along the entire Eastern border, 8km from Tel Aviv. Your history of who was where, and who started what, isn’t quite right either. But I’ll leave it at that.
About US economic colonialism etc, I’ll just say this for now, which I added to the article.
We see a Left that wrongly believes that free market capitalism is a zero sum game, where for there to be winners, like the US, it must mean that there are losers. But that’s not economics. iPhones are created from sand, essentially. People trade time for goods, and create things where essentially nothing existed before. Human effort and ingenuity creates wealth out of essentially nothing. It need not be confiscated.
Thank you about CoTrader.
Thanks, I’ll check Ho-Oponopono Book, seems like a good one.