Trump vs Biden on their records and characters
Let’s assess the claim that it was the media’s portrayal and focus, out to destroy Trump, to create a negative view of him, and a positive view of Biden.
Is this valid evidence that democrats stole the election for Joe? It’s a list of 10,000+ people, in 1 MI county alone, that lived and died long before the election. Ballots were requested, sent, and received, on their behalf, as can be checked in the official MI govt site, as explained here:
“Trump was right? On almost everything?”
1. Ended NK nuke testing. Ended ISIS
2. No UA/RU war, Weakened Iran
3. Historic Israel-Arab Abraham peace deals
4. China weakened & started decoupling
5. Stronger NATO, got Germany to pay too
6. Weaker Russia (no weekly hacking & no new Russian oil pipelines to Germany)
7. Best black & hispanic employment
8. Highest wage growth for blue collar
9. Kept virtual every campaign promise
10. Added new wall. Reduced border crises
11. Right to try. No individual mandate
12. Expanded school choice which vastly outperform schools in the same buildings
13. Cut tax & 7x regulations to unleash econ
14. Fastest recovery: 33.1% gdp annualized
15. All the ventilators the USA needed
16. Fastest vaccine ever, despite nay sayers
17. Covid & deaths not “higher than EU”
18. Most covid testing in the world, more than India. More tests => more cases.
19. Got all ventilators for granny killing Cuomo scam: Hospitals got $19k per covid death over-report, & $39k if ventilator death
21. Right on Wuhan lab, lockdowns, HCQ
22. Fauci lied on GoF, masks, HCQ
23. IPCC charter: find ACW, or lose funding
24. NASA changes data, not only IPCC CIA
25. CO2 AGW scam $1.5T/year political tool
25. CO2 is plant food & greens the Earth
26. 10x CO2 led no temp in 500M years
27. CO2 follows, doesn’t lead, temperature
28. Cold/hot water traps/leaks CO2
Critics claim that Joe is a very questionable characters, citing:
1 Home wrecker
2 Pathological liar (“taught at university”)
3 Sniffs & touches little kids
4 Yells at people that ask him questions
5 Talks often about punching
6 Corruption claims in China Ukraine Moscow
7 Lies about policies & flip flops
Biden “Accomplishments”, most discussed:
1 Joe helped pass the 1994 Crime Bill that put away many black men
2 Joe voted for the Iraq War
1 Joe got his brothers a $1.5 billion deal in construction after the Iraq War
Background: Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, got kicked out of the Navy for crack cocaine. That’s not the problem. The problem is, it shows how he got $millions not for any experience, but for selling his father’s political office connection
2 Hunter got (it’s not contested) a $1.5 billion fund management deal from China. Hunter has no experience in that. Obviously it’d appear China was actually buying influence to Biden, and proof against him if they needed to squeeze him
3 Hunter Biden was getting $183k / month from Ukraine energy company Burisma, with no experience in that.
4 Ukraine prosecutor was investigating Burisma. Joe is on video threatening the Ukrainian govt that unless they fire the investigator, they won’t get $1 billion from the US. That’s a quid-pro-quo, Joe.
FBI is investigating Hunter Biden for money laundering
5 There are 4 physical devices and testimonies with much more hard evidence of very serious crimes (with underage girls) and much more corruption, like charging $10 million for business introductions to Joe, because of his political office.
“Come on man”
If one voted Biden for his character, did they pick well?
It’s claimed that we now we have a corrupt politician, Biden, on the way to the White House, who will sell US out to China & the highest bidders of big pharma. Critics claim he’s a definitional fascist, supporting a government that allies with crony-corporatism & the media