Gary Bernstein
6 min readMar 19, 2019

The climate crises has become child abuse. Its freaking out children brainwashed in school now literally crying that they don’t want to die.

On the one hand, the climate crises is real, and China pollutes more greenhouse gasses than the US and EU combined:

On the other hand, it’s easy for skeptics to fall into the following arguments:

The “97% of climate scientists” trope is disproven. Only 0.3% are in consensus about the level of AGW the original Cook paper claims (*1). John Cook’s paper didn’t even claim consensus about AGW levels being “dangerous”, as Obama misrepresented in a speech. The paper didn’t say we will all die, or that any particular amount of people will die, or that the planet will turn brown and barren in 2066 like those scary photos you see, if we don’t change our ways in 12 years. No wonder some politicians want 16 year olds to vote. These children don’t have enough life experience to recognize big govt bullshit.

(*1) 0.3%, not 97% are in consensus. Inside this Medium I discuss and link to the new study disproving the 97% trope:

The disproven AGW hysteria narrative is pushed with political fury by TV personas like “Bill Nye the Science Guy” (like John Cook, also not a climatologist):

We’ve seen a modest 0.8 degrees since 1850, with a recent sharper spike, that’s also still typical and within range of the last ~8000 years in our current Halocene age, according at least to specific site measurements, even with reconstructions adding the 0.8 atop the end of the data ending 1850, at worst.

In the top image below, you can see how we are leaving the recent mini icce age of the last few hundred years. You can see in the bottom image, that we’re not above the peak within even the last 4000 years, within the 8k year long Halocene era.

This topic is highly contested (and not settled). If you say, well that’s just a few scientists contesting the crises, I refer you back to the fact that the 97% trope didn’t actually confirm even 34% of scientists believe in AGW dominance.

Here’s John “skepticalscience” site AGW alarmists arguments:

Here’s Dr Easterbook’s responses to the fallacies of those and other alarmist arguments:

The AGW crises alarmists highlight the bottom part of the image above, but Dr Easterbrook responds with the following:

“First, let’s test the Marcott et al. 11,300 year temperature curve against the GISP2 Greenland ice core oxygen isotope record (Alley, 2000) (Figure 1 below). The Greenland ice core data is widely considered to be the ‘gold standard’ of quantitative paleo-temperature measurements with thousands of accurately dated analyses covering many thousands of years. From the Alley (2000) curve, it is readily apparent that temperatures during virtually all of the period from 10,000 to 1,500 years ago were warmer than at present and 85% of the past 10,000 years were warmer than present. The curve extends to 95 years ago, but even if we add 0.7°C for warming over the past century (dashed line), temperatures were still dominantly warmer than present.”

Cherry picking any particular climate changing phenomenon regarding icebergs is alarmist, and often misleading.

Here are former NASA scientists exposing some myths and wrong measurements regarding sea levels and CO2 sensitivity by AGW alarmists:

It’s nearly impossible to predict the effects and extent of warming in the future. This makes it very hard to get a solid estimate of what the benefits of radical action propositions, like the $50-$96 trillion in 10 years of the Green New Deal (GND): Ditto for the $100 trillion over 100 years of the Paris accord. Either of these programs might bankrupt the USA, and GND could turn USA into Venezuela, while giving China and India a free pass. It’s a geopolitical huge score for the worst polluters in the world. 93% of plastic, on another topic, reaches the ocean from 10 rivers in Asia and Africa, and mostly in China. Anyhow the USA reduction in CO2 lead the world, without entering into that disastrous ineffectual Paris agreement.

China, the largest CO2 polluter, with 2x more total emissions than the US. How is scaring children in the West going to help with that? China is trying to reduce its carbon footprint, simply because its own citizens demand better air quality wrt pm2.5 pollution: China is looking to nuclear. Renewables are actually detrimental to the environment, as well as inefficient and expensive. TED talk: The more realistic alternative to coal is nuclear, and perhaps specifically Thorium nuclear. See this:

The climate crises news business was making wrong predictions since at least the first Earth Day in 1970:

Governments, like anything else in the world, tend to try to grow. This means govt tends toward ever more intrusive policies that take over people’s lives, their money, and everything they can and can’t do. That’s why climate hysteria goes well with socialism, because it’s a good crises to rush people to throw enormous amounts of money and power towards government.

Socialism turned the richest country in South America, Venezuela, into a prison where people scamble to drink sewage water, eat garbage, and die in hospitals without electricity. Eventually #socialism turns that concentrated govt centralized power to dictatorships like Venezuela USSR China N Korea, where over 50 million died in the 20th century. That’s the real crises of our time — populations once again flirting with socialism. Mind you, the Nordic countries are not Socialist. They are free market economies, with privatized school vouchers, privatized pension funds, and much higher taxes on the poor:

Free market capitalism (not crony #capitalism), otoh, creates all the things we love, including life saving medice and technology. It provides the best and most varies goods, at the lowest prices, to the most number of people. Just see how Africans today are able to interact here on FB with their mobile phones. These improvements come to all industries where #freemarkets operate.

#Freemarket capitalism is also the the most moral. Free trade between 2 individuals takes place only if it benefits both sides, or it’s not take place.

Free market capitalism is not a zero sum game, either. iPhones are made from sand, essentially, and built with mutally agreement work contracts between free individuals and business owners. This doesn’t take from anyone. It gives more to all who participate, or they’d choose not to participate.

Socialism isn’t even moral. It’s morally bankrupt. What exactly is your fair share of what someone else has earned? And to take by force, no less. And why do you want to give it to a 3rd party govt that overlords over how to spend it on yet another 3rd party recipient? This is at best grossly inefficient (killing millions for want) and often the path to dictatorships and total collapse as in Venezuela right now. The socialists like #Bernie Sanders and #AOC won’t condemn Venezuela or Maduro. Blood is on their hands.

Learn beyond what you’ve heard in your blue bubble social networks. It’s not your fault if you’ve not been aware of dissenting opinions, but you are now. It’s easy, though, to get sucked back into mainstream leftist propaganda, as it’s everywhere. Avoid the brainwashing of leftist media, news, comedy and echo chambers everywhere around you.

Force yourself to learn alternative points of view.

That’s true diversity.

Learn more dissenting opinions:

Gary Bernstein
Gary Bernstein

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