Climate *causes* CO2 change
Executive Summary
If data doesn’t match your models, your theory is wrong, despite what $trillions per year scams would like you to believe about “Green Energy”. Green Energy is an intentional misnomer, since higher CO2 means more plant food, which greened the Earth 25% since 1982 (*A4).
Israeli astrophysicist Nir Shaviv, for example, shows that CO2 had ‘Tenfold variations in CO2 over the past half-billion years have no correlation whatsoever with temperature’.
Shaviv explains that the sun’s cycles & changing distances from planetary orbits, and not CO2, drives climate change, and ‘How Climate Change Pseudoscience Became Publicly Accepted’ (*A3).
What about the Al Gore political documentary on CO2 called “An Inconvenient Truth”, showing how temperature & CO2 changed together in the last, shorter, 400k years?
Climate change rather *causes* CO2 change, and not the other way around.
When the Earth heats, CO2 is released from the oceans into the atmosphere;
When the Earth cools, CO2 is sequestered into the ocean (*Caltech-1).
The 97% consensus fallacy
John Cook’s own methods yielded 0.3%, not 97% consensus (*A1).
The “97%” consensus was manufactured from 0.3% (*A1) as you’ll clearly find below. This is reminiscent of “manufactured consent”, by Noam Chomsky.
Science by consensus isn’t science, anyhow, it’s politics
Galileo, Einstein, and Newton didn’t need any consensus. One paper, not made up data, can bring down all established science.
Question Recap
If CO2 causes climate change, we should have seen ~continuous warming since CO2 rose after the 1873 heat. Instead, we saw cooling for decades, from 1934 to 1979.
Global cooling headlined the 1970s as record heat from the 1930s fell. CO2 was higher in the 1970s than in the 1930s, so why did temperate drop?
Answer, Main Points
CO2 isn’t the main driver of climate change, say scientists brave enough to out the climate “cult”. Scientists studying the sun’s cycles & changing distances from planetary orbits say these factors drive climate change.
Recall the sun’s dominant role in the seasons, and night and day. The sun is a critical factor in climate change. For example, Venus & Mars have over 95% CO2 (2000x higher than Earth), but one is cold, one is hot. Distance matters. Earth’s distance changes. So do the sun’s 11 year cycle strengths. And, even though Venus stays hot even at night, this isn’t a greenhouse effect, by definition, but the effect of having an atmospheric pressure 93x higher than Earth’s. If CO2 causes warm skies, Mars at night should also stay as warm as Mars at day, but it doesn’t.
CO2 was 20x higher on Earth in the Cambrian Era, when life blossomed (including calcifying animals like corals and lobsters). Earth has greened over 25% since 1982 due to higher CO2, since CO2 is essential to plants and life.
NASA, NOAA & IPCC have changed the 1930s temperature data downwards (*1). This isn’t disputed. What’s disputed is what it means that government agencies made the data make the present appear warmer.
Government scientists who are funded to study AGW — human caused global warming — can lose their government funding & careers if they reject alarming results.
Climate change is a $1.5 trillion per year industry now. It’s almost 1/2 of the entire oil industry,. There are huge financial incentives to keep it going, and perhaps even larger political incentives.
The CO2 climate “cult”, is a unifying force in D left’s political platform. It functions like a religion, in that sense.
It’s not actually pro environment either. We could instead clean up the oceans 100 times over with that $1.5 trillion per year. That’s real environmentalism. The Kyoto Protocol & Paris Accords apparently did nothing to slow CO2. This is largely because these don’t limit adversaries of the USA like China.
USA’s CO2 emission has fallen faster than Europe and China, and has been in decline for 15 years since at least 2005, due in no small part to fracking, which gives the USA energy independence, and is a blow to USA’s adversaries like China.
Totalitarian China pollutes more than US+EU combined, and growing, but would be exempt from debilitating their economies with CO2 limits.
Climate alarmist is fraud, & a unifying control tool on a geo-political scale.
Inconvenient Facts
In Al Gore’s tricky film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, he presents this relationship backwards.
Tony Heller’s version explains some of D anti-energy climate science fraud, and how it benefits the military industrial complex to wage endless wars for oil, when, under Trump, the USA became energy independent, and even an exporter:
It goes on to show that deaths by natural disasters are down 80% in 100 years, contrary to the alarmist claims of once respected journals like Scientific American:
Must Watch
Heller has a great comprehensive intro video here which is most highly recommended as a starting point:
“Climate peer-review is where one guy making money off the global warming scam gives the thumbs up to another guy making money off the global warming scam.” — Tony Heller aka pen name Steven Goddard.
Btw, George Orwell also had a pen name. These function as attempts to protect oneself from the costly consequences of telling the truth — ad hominem attack of every kind, to destroy a person and their livelihood.
You’ll see YouTube try to direct you away from Heller videos, and many try to besmirch his name. However, none of the debunker videos hold much water, and Heller provides good replies such as in “Debunking the Debunker”.
“He who controls the present, controls the past” — George Orwell, “1984”.
We begin with this fact of altered data to help shatter the myth that government agencies present truth in some one objective, unquestionable reality. As 1984 depicted in Ministry of Truth, this can be the farthest thing from the truth.
Since before the biblical flood story, climate calamities have been blamed on people, and used for fear and control.
The Aztecs controlled society with human sacrifices, where hearts were ripped out of living people, to supposedly ensure the sun returns tomorrow, to prevent global cooling.
Witches were burned at the stake over bad weather. Climate alarmism has long been a political tool of fear and control (*21):
Climate alarmism is nothing new, and recent temperatures are far from exceptional. This article will illustrate how CO2 hasn’t created net climate problems (and in fact has even greened the Earth), despite nearly doubling in the last 140 years. (see NASA, *5)
Sea level rose 400 feet in the last 20k years, but we are told to *believe* that humans are the cause of a few inches, and that’s going to wipe out civilization.. because of co2 (which is an odorless invisible gas you breath out, that’s vital to life in earth).. you can’t make this stuff up 🤣 There are so many ridiculous claims, but let’s keep a respectful tone. This is a serious matter:
Topics Covered
This article debunks several main claims of climate alarmists.
Data tampering without conspiracy
There is no coordinated conspiracy, just common interest in tampering. You either provide material that helps your bosses’ agenda, of your funding is cut. People cooperate without conspiracy in many cases. For example, all social media platforms supposedly independently decided to ban Donald Trump& Parler from the internet, without collusion.
NASA, IPCC, NOAA, and other scientific and governmental bodies have altered, cherry-picked, and invented global data where non existed, to support climate alarmist claims. Much like budgets in corporate or military departments that much use their funding or lose it. Big-climate is a multi-trillion dollar industry that’s a cancer out of control. (*1)
CO2 is not the culprit
CO2 is essential for life
CO2 has greened the Earth by over 25% since the 1980s (*4).
Plants require a minimum of 150 CO2 ppm to survive. We are now only slightly above 400 ppm. During the Cambrian era — the explosive era of growth of life on Earth — CO2 levels were over 10 times higher than now, during times of steep falls in temperature.
CO2 treaties have done nothing to curb CO2 emissions (*11)
CO2 blossoms life
Life blossomed in 10–20 times higher CO2, including Corals that began 500 million years ago during the Cambrian Era
CO2 is good for calcifying animal like Shellfish & Corals
CO2 was up to 20 times higher during the explosion of life in the Cambrian Era (*9, *10), including marine calcifying animals like Lobsters, Shellfish, and Coral, and these animals have been shown to adapt to changing ocean pH levels, eg in tidal coast areas (*6). In a car you can also get 6000 ppm (15x higher than the atmosphere) by simply breathing out.
Lobsters and Crabs have been shown to grow in higher CO2 levels (*22)
C02 has been much higher for most of Earth’s history. Even with the recent rise, we are still in a CO2 drought. (*9, 10).
Moore presents proof that species from corals to fish quickly adapt and grow back to changes in CO2 levels. Moore cites that phytoplankton, so key to marine life, thrives on higher CO2. He points out that alarmists hardly mention when corals grow back after damage (*6), which misleads the public.
Ocean acidification
The ocean isn’t acid. It is the opposite — it is base (ie, Alkaline) — at a pH balance of around 8.1, with neutral being 7. Supposedly the ocean was at 8.2 in 1750, which is already a contested point, by Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore. Moore continues to explain that the atmosphere had 10 times higher CO2 during the beginning of life on Earth, in the Cambrian era, including calcifying animals like shellfish.
CO2 Drought
Princeton professor William Harper echoes these skeptic sentiments, pointing out the Earth is now in a CO2 draught, and that increased CO2 will be very helpful, from crops to vegetation, to life on Earth in general (*7).
Sea Levels
Artic sea ice is the same as it was 60 years ago
According to the Danish Meteorology Institute data, the Artic sea ice is the same thickness as the NYT reported 60 years ago. It’s depicted here (*18)
Greenland sea ice is 500 meters thicker today than in Holocene period 8000 years ago (and 1.5 cm thicker than in 1900). Sea ice extent is 100 km higher today, and it was 5c (9f) degrees hotter at times during the Holocene. Journal of Glaciology study (*20)
Sea level rise has not been accelerating
Rise in some areas is due to tectonic shift, skyscraper development, and biased data (*19)
Greenland glaciers have grown 100 km in extend and 500 meters in height in the last 8000 years. (*20)
Pollution vs Climate
Plastic and pollution problems need to be separated from CO2, which isn’t a pollutant. Plants can not even survive with less than 150 ppm CO2, and they thrive at levels 5 times higher than current atmospheric levels (*15).
Climate doomsaying is a very old form of mass delusion and hysteria, that functions as a very profitable form of political control.
Fake science
Fake has been pushed to children by the likes of James Hansen, showing only the data after the line:
Science-fraud is good money. Hansen, the fraud (who claims a laughable 99.9% “certainly” on AGW in the dynamic climate system) recently got a $1.3M award.
Digging In Data
Prior NASA research admitted the 1930s were the hottest years in the last 140 years (*5.1):
Correspondingly, forest fires are also down dramatically in the USA since the heat of 1934, especially during the cold period from 1961–1979
The number of landfalling hurricanes is on a long downtrend:
The average power of hurricanes is also in decline
Record heat days are down:
The frequency of hot afternoons has plummeted in the US since 1934:
So why are climate alarmists so worried? Alarmists argue that the US records aren’t useful for analyzing global temperatures.
However, skeptics point out that global measuring stations were extremely spotty, and data as cherry picked, altered, and in many cases, even inferred (made up), and measuring stations were extremely sparse compared to their presence in the US, or not even in existence (*1)
Data was invented, where none existed, to fit the high warming narrative
Here is a NASA chart and article on these differences:
Politics over Science
Politics as Usual
Government paid intellectuals have protected state religions since the priesthood obscured the bible using archaic Latin. Climate CO2 scams are a unifying religion for global D left parties. Govt scientists are paid to back them.
Government agencies have been continuously altering old data in ways that fit their narrative better, Heller argues (*17).
Media alarmism, scientific fraud, and big government agendas
1934 was the hottest year in the last 140 years. People were told that the poles might melt and water will engulf the world.
Heller highlights how agencies such as NASA, IPCC, and NOAA cool older data such as from the 1930s, and cook up data after the 1970s, to grow the temperate “hockey stick” (*2). There was some warming and melting since 1979, but that’s because that was a very cold year. Many panicked about global cooling in the 1920s and the 1960s & 1970s, with predictions of icebergs taking over New York.
Even within the US records, NASA has changed historical data, as reminded below, source, NASA (*5):
In the 1960s & 1970s, climate alarmists scientists and government agencies pushed a global cooling, with as much hysteria and fear mongering.
Since peak heat in 1934, the US, and perhaps the Earth, was cooling. That led to the global cooling fears of the 1970s.
Scientists now use the 1979 local minimum temperature as a baseline from which to accentuate warming.
$1.5 trillion per year rife with politics & fraud
But why are is this done? The climate alarm is a $1.5T/year industry, and with the Green New Deal (GND), it would grow by $1–2T/year (*3). $1.5T per year is almost 1/2 the entire oil industry. There are a lot of people with financial & political incentive to keep it going. We could instead clean up the oceans 100 times over with that money. That’s real environmentalism.
Geo-politics: WEF — World Economic Forum (it’s in the name)
The richest white men in the world, like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, meet for absolutely no reason (sarcasm), in Schwab’s WEF, and discuss “The Great Reset”, in which they openly say “You’ll own nothing, and be happy”. In communism, the people own nothing, and the political class owns everything. Bill Gates has recently become the biggest farm land owner in the USA. He and others are oligopoly our source of food, because controlling media and Big Tech, our source of information, wasn’t enough.
In the past, people have rightfully rejected such expansive powers in the hands of so few individuals, as the “robber barons” or the 1800s.
Yet now, under the guise of fake, counter productive environmentalism, and fake “equity” (these rich white men fly in their private jets to CO2 conventions), they PR themselves as philanthropists, while robbing & controlling people. It’s a clear, classic takeover, if you know history. But who cares about history, right?
Driving Socialist Policies
As AOC’s chief of staff, explains in the quote below, it’s not about climate, but about changing the economy.
China and India and other emerging economies would not be hampered by climate deals on CO2, while the developed world would pay. It’s essentially a global wealth distribution plan, which seems appropriate to AOC’s chief of staff, who BTW is a fan of a Nazi collaborator (*16), but that’s another topic. Anyhow, to them, it’s not about climate.
Political agendas
Climate alarmism is a great political fear-mongering tool used by both parties of the establishment. It can be used to scare people into radical economic reformations.
For example, Bernie Sanders is now raving about climate alarm as a political tactic in his campaign for president. Sanders doesn’t have too much left to run on since Trump adopted many of this proposals: No open borders (“that’s a Koch brothers idea”, said Bernie), no TPP, forcing down drug costs, etc.
Such economic reformation driven by statists can be extremely deadly. Mao inadvertently killed 40 million people this way in the Great Leap Forward , but that’s another topic discussed in another article (*A2).
Government Mouthpiece
How come many scientists appear to go along with the CO2 cult agenda? Scientist funding continues only as long as they output results desired by political parties seeking climate alarming results. This leads to a feedback loop of mass hysteria about climate, older than the biblical flood story.
Still Unsure? Good News
For those that are still critical, here is some good news:
CO2 emissions in the US have fallen faster than EU, down to 1992 levels (*12)
To reduce CO2, don’t let the establishment parties, which are in bed with China, do things like block pipelines from Canada to USA. These deals will go to China instead, and they’ll pollute a lot more doing them. Let US continue to innovate with natural gas & fracking, which is reducing CO2 levels.
US CO2 emissions have fallen faster than the EU, without entering any climate deals. They’re down to 1992 levels, thanks to new energy technologies such as fracking.
Temperature changes cause CO2 changes, not the other way around.
Be Woke
Climate alarmism is a self-perpetuating research-funding cancer of herd mentality and mass hysteria; D unifying political tool of fear and control, as old as the biblical flood story; a global redistribution of wealth ploy that would impoverish the 1st world and empower China to use more energy than others, while it is already the main emitter of CO2; CO2 was 10x more abundant during the explosion of life on Earth and it’s helpful to plants and life now. Climate alarmism is a societal mental malady.
“Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more” — Morpheus, “The Matrix”
Still Unsure? Do This
If you want to reduce greenhouse gas, focus on limiting China’s emissions.
CO2 emissions from China are by far the highest of any country, and growing (*13)
China also pollutes more than US+EU combined, and it’s only getting worse.
CO2 treatise & other control efforts cause environmental damage
Democratic nations are most harmed by these measures, in favor of the worst polluter & totalitarian state, China, which would not have to limit its energy usage (*14). Therefore, these CO2 treatise lead not only to lopsided emissions, but environmental and humanitarian maladies.
CO2 doesn’t cause climate change. It’s the opposite. There is ample evidence like the Caltech study (*Caltech-1). The reason you hear more about the opposite are political and not obvious. Go back and read the executive summary at minimum, to understand.
Lastly, if you want to limit CO2 anyhow, laser focus limiting China’s rising emissions with GDP growth, since they’re by far the worst & and growing exponentially worse, while US emissions have been in decline for decades
(*1) “Fake Data — The Basis of Climate Science”:Blog format:
(*2) “Is The Global Temperature Record Credible?” Video format:
(3) “Data Tampering Past The Climate Tipping Point“
(*4) Rising Carbon Dioxide Is Greening The Earth — But It’s Not All Good News:
(*5) NASA: 1999 (figure 6):
(*5.1) NASA: 2018:
(*6) “Ocean Acidification — The Facts — Dr Patrick Moore”:
(*7) “World In Midst of Carbon Drought (w/ Prof. William Happer, Princeton University)”:
(*8)Sweden isn’t socialist:
(*8.1) Denmark isn’t socialist:
(*9) CO2 history:
(*10): Eggleton, Tony (2013). A Short Introduction to Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. p. 52.
(*11): NOAA: Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide:
(*12): Carbon Dioxide: U.S. Emissions Down, European Emissions Up:
(*13): China Emits More Carbon Dioxide Than The U.S. and EU Combined:
(*14): China’s rising emissions prove Trump right on Paris Agreement:
(*15): Can Plants Survive Without Carbon Dioxide?
(*16): AOC chief of staff fan of Nazi collaborator:
(*17) Tony Heller, aka Steven Goddard: Geologist and celebrated IBM engineer, involved in i7 processor design and debugging:
(*18) Artic sea ice same level as 60 years ago
(*19) Accelerating rate of Sea level fraud:
(*20): Journal of Glaciology, Volume 64, Issue 245 June 2018 , pp. 477–488: Cambridge University Press:
(*21) “How Climate Changes Triggered Literal Witch Hunts Through The Ages”:
From the Justin Reis study and peer-reviewed paper, in “Geology”, 2009: “Marine calcifiers exhibit mixed responses to CO2-induced ocean acidification”:
(*22): “Giant Lobsters From Rising Greenhouse Gases?”
(*A0) on manufacturing consensus — a political, non-scientific requirement:
(*A1) Not 97% just 0.3%, and consensus isn’t science, it’s politics:
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