Free Our Minds — The Battle for Social Media Neutrality
For a better world, let’s pull back the curtains and let the sun in on social media platform algorithms used by shadowy agents to manipulate entire societies.
Social media is at the heart of society, and needs a tech revolution to clear the playing field from hidden agents manipulating biased unknown algos for the bigtech-shadowgov complex.
Dissenting voices are being disappeared. Freedom from authoritarian thought-police is under growing threats. I’m hopeful that together with #crypto as P2P money, the ledger will lead to censorship-resistant social-media platforms that prevent tyranny.
The role of Distributed Ledger Technology (#DLT) here would be that the transparent code that serves the data feed is known and not manipulated. Clients choosing to have their feed prioritized in various ways can choose such options in their clients. Servers wouldn’t do this secretly
The storage (and streaming) of content, such as videos, would ideally use #decentralized networks, eg Filecoin accelerated #IPFS or similar platforms, so that any new social site linking to them doesn’t centralize power and ultimately abuse it. DLT would ensure transparent curation algos.
An Open Social Media Platform Bridge (#OSMPB) can use #Blockchain or #DAG, and follow the Linux open source model to serves as transparent backend code and ensure no political manipulation. It can be built on performant free to use platforms such as #DPoS, like #EOS, #TRON, #Tezos, or all of the above & more.
Perhaps #DAGs can be used for even higher performance as order of operations in a lot of cases isn’t critical. Any reply to a previous post can reference that post by ID. If that event hasn’t propogated yet, the reference can be put in a queue, resolved later #COTI, Hedera Hashgraph.
It is likely that a new chain or DAG can be created, with the most simple UX setup possible, perhaps with only the javascript that’s available everywhere, and no special installs like wallets or dapp browsers installs required at all.
There are some solvable challenges. For starters, we’ll want to prevent abuse of spam. Without control over signup or posting, this would be difficult or impossible. There might be zero-knowledge proof or other privacy mechanisms to prove and tie 1 person to 1 account.
The goals of this project relate to people across politics and technology. There’s a calling here, for projects that tie together various Distributed Ledger Technology (#DLT), such as #Cosmos (internet of blockchain, #IoB), and perhaps, even more broadly, #IoDLT to create #OSMDLT
Spread this message to partake in this revolution, this evolution of the collective social mind.
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