China pollutes and emits more CO2 than US & EU combined
If climate crises is real, then China #1 emitter of greenhouse gases is the first to address, as China outputs more CO2 than the US and EU combined (*1).
Some point out that USA per capita CO2 is higher than China and EU. But USA per capital emissions is down to its 1950 levels, and total output is down to 1992 levels. Per capita doesnt matter if you actually care about CO2, not USA-hating. What matters is to stop CO2 right? So focus on the main problem. China.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) also has growing pollution with its economy. Its alleged green measures won’t be enough (see video of satellite data, *2).
CPC economy must likely have to also slow down to slow down CO2 emissions, until more anti-CO2 measures are in place.
However, it seems CO2 is actually great for life on Earth, and isn’t a climate culprit:
(*2) Satellite videos of greenhouse gas emissions by China: