Big govt healthcare fails in Finland
Big government often aspires to democratic #socialism, but big govt ends seems to require inefficiency to fuel its politicians, so it ends up being illogical, and has to distance itself from logic, freedom, history, real science, and economic reality, and failing. Big govt collectivism repeated failures killed 100 million people in the 20th century. But new generations are new chances for disastrous big govt take overs.
The real solution to lowering healthcare costs is introducing competition and prices. Remember prices? Where you go to a store and know what things cost? Prices don’t exist in healthcare because #Medicare tax makes insurance ubiquitous. Get rid of it and keep that 6.3% salary in your pocket and decide for yourself to buy the best healthcare or insurance in actual #freemarket #capitalism (not #cronycapitalism) — competition, that thing that capitalists actually hate (they prefer to have monopolies), which often quickly brings down prices by 10-fold or more.