Ancient climate-doom fear-mongering, blaming humans in Flood stories from China to Mesopotamia, continues today via herd-led junk science: data and model bias, and “science by consensus” — ie, not science. From Aztec human sacrifices, to witch-hunting, till modern today, human shaming and climate fear-mongering lives on.
The story of human guilt in climate disasters is as old as history, as if a natural tendency of the human mind, or, rather, a political tool of control.
Data and science wise: What it comes down to is international and government agencies (like the IPCC, NASA, and NOAA), have been making recent temperature appear hotter, by altering and greatly reducing temperature data from the 1930–40s (which was followed by the feared “global cooling” scares of the 1970s), and high Medieval Warm Period temperature data. Data is ignored, cherry-picked, adjusted, and even “inferred” from models.
Scientists give reasons why they do this, but the choices on how the data is radically altered is very open ended, and easy to bias. The re-biased data supports the ‘save the world’ myth, which is used to bludgeon anyone not supporting huge government expansion for it.
The way the research grants work (rewarding only those raising ‘big climate problems’, it keeps the hoax going without any overt conspiracy. Herd mentality forces also apply across society, where “science by consensus” (which is politics, non science) is further used to suppress objectors.
The Big-Climate industrial complex is a $1.5 trillion per year industry, looking to grow another $1–2 trillion per year, with plans such as the New Green Deal. “Never let a good crises go to waste” — Rahm Emanuel. When there’s no crises, invent one.
But beyond industry interests, there ‘s a far bigger political power involved: massive growth of government and the state. This is deal because you’ll see climate fear mongering in the 2020 elections, when the deep state has nothing else to stand on.
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” — Charles Mackey, “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841)”
Must watch videos from Tony Heller’s great collection: